"A wildly successful songfest!"
-Ventura County Star

About CSN Hawaii

We are currently interviewing for a CSN Hawaii director.

If you are singer and want to perform, please check the CITIES page to see if there is another CSN city/region operating near you.

If you are interested in talking with someone about directing this city/region, please get in touch! Send email:

info [at] chicksingernight [dot] com (City Leadership for Hawaii)


T-shirts, hats, totes and more -- You can now order swag online through our storefront at One Sheet Merch! (Limited quantities and styles also available at most Chick Singer Night shows)


Help encourage female artists!

One-time or recurring gifts are welcome.

(Donations are processed  through Breathe Foundation)   


Support CSN and gain exposure for your business.

You can become a sponsor for CSN International or for a specific city/region.

Get in Touch

If you are a potential leader for this city/region or know of a someone who would be, please, get in touch!

For the singers and composers, the dancers and choreographers, the poets and the playwrights...
Support for the performing artist.

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